Dani International Corporation, also known as Danitrio, has been creating exquisite Japanese Maki-e artpieces since 1974. The company showcased some of its most elaborate works in Singapore on 24th October 2013.
The event – the first of its kind in South East Asia – was held in collaboration with local retailer Fook Hing Trading Co.
More than 30 invited guests had the rare opportunity to speak to Mr Bernard Lyn, CEO and Founder of Dani International Corporation. Also at the event were Maki-e artisans Mr Todo Tatsuya and Mrs Todo Wakako from Yamashiro, Japan.
Guests admired as the artisans created birds and cherry blossoms on lacquer in a live demonstration. Some were offered to try their hand at creating Maki-e.
The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the Danitrio 100 Kids Maki-e pen, a masterpiece created by Mr Todo Tatsuya himself. Mr Tatsuya signs off on the work as “Kosetsu”.
Limited to an exclusive number of just 19 pieces, the 100 Kids pen employs a variety of traditional Japanese lacquerwork techniques which date back millenia and have been passed down generations.
The pen portrays a party of children playing happily and interacting – an unmistakable, animated design that captures action in still life. Innocent expressions of joy and happiness have a universal appeal, transcend time and add to the liveliness of the design.
In addition to the 100 Kids masterpiece, Danitrio also put on display a large number of pens from its collection that guests were invited to touch, feel and try out for themselves.
To cap of the evening, Mr Bernard Lyn presented a speech on “The Timeless Art of Maki-e”, outlining the process of obtaining urushi, a sap from the tree of the same name. Mr Lyn described how metallic powders are painstaking sprinkled onto lacquer, creating what is literally a “sprinkled picture”.
Fook Hing Trading Co would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Mr Bernard Lyn and the Dani International Corporation for their unwavering support, and to the artisans Mr Todo Tatsuya and Mrs Todo Wakako of Yamashiro, Japan for sharing their revered artform and exquisite masterpieces here in Singapore.
For enquiries about Danitrio Maki-e pens please contact us today!